
  • พระครู ภาวนาสังวรกิจ


            This article has gathered the practice of self-development, according to the Mahasatipattithan 4. It is the core of the teachings that is a direct way for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the extinguishing of suffering and grief, for walking on the path of truth, for the realization of Nirvana, the ultimate goal of Buddhism. Dharma practice must begin with a strong and pure mental concentration, so that practicing mental can calm on a particular subject. The purpose of mental training is meditation itself, referred to mental states, and determined to be one of the thing, that do not be distracted by anything else from what determined one's emotional state and commitment. With the practice of meditation, they can actually get the mind to rest on, what they want it to rest on and the mind becomes clearer and more peaceful. Regular mental management can both benefit the mind and body system. Without anxiety and stress, practitioner will improve memory, strengthen the bile, calm, not angry, and mindfulness. The significant beneficial can be seen on the improvement of education and job functions, when the mind is remain focusing. Getting the most beneficial out are self-development and developing intelligence that can lead to the purification of the mind which will attain Nirvana.




How to Cite

ภาวนาสังวรกิจ พ. (2018). SELF-DEVELOPMENT ACCORDING TO THE MAHASATIPATTITHAN 4. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 1(2), 57–64. Retrieved from