Navigating More than a Decade of Neuroscience Integration to Shape Business Strategies


  • Tanikan Pipitwanichakarn UTCC Business School, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce


Neuromarketing, Neuroscience tool, electroencephalography, EEG


Advances in theoretical knowledge have led neuroscience to intersect with social science, notably in the realm of neuromarketing—a sub-branch of social neuroscience. Within the past decade and looking back further, the field of neuromarketing has seen remarkable growth, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of decision-making and consumer behavior by analyzing the brain's responses. Against this interdisciplinary backdrop, the study makes a significant contribution to the neuromarketing literature by conducting a systematic literature review over twelve years to explore the discipline's trends in topics and interests. A total of 72 studies were assessed and thoroughly investigated, revealing that the majority of interests in neuromarketing can be classified into five themes:

  1. the evaluation of products and brands,
  2. preferences for products and brands,
  3. the evaluation of messages and communication,
  4. the influence of others, and
  5. purchase decisions.

This research offers suggestions to researchers and businesses on navigating the use of Electroencephalography (EEG), focusing on measuring neuronal responses directly, to enhance and extend traditional marketing methods. Moreover, it discusses their implications for the future of neuromarketing, contributing to marketing theory and practice.


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How to Cite

Pipitwanichakarn, T. (2024). Navigating More than a Decade of Neuroscience Integration to Shape Business Strategies. วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 18(3), 15–33. สืบค้น จาก