Influence Mechanism of Influencer Marketing through Perceived Value and Purchase Intention on Consumers’ Cosmetics Purchase Behavior


  • Xiaoqing Zhou PHD Management, School of Management, Shinawatra University
  • Tippawan Lertatthakornkit Management, School of Management, Shinawatra University


Influencer Marketing, Perceived Value, Cosmetics Purchase Intention, Homogeneity, Cosmetics Purchase Behavior


          While e-commerce livestreaming leads new trend of consumption, there are many industry problems, especially in cosmetics influencer marketing. How to maintain vitality of cosmetics influencer marketing industry is worth to study. This study aims to explore how influencer marketing affect consumers’ cosmetics purchase behavior. A mixed method is used. In qualitative research, through literature review and in-depth interview, integrating AIDMA and SOR theory, conceptual framework is established with influencer attraction, live marketing context, and live word-of-mouth as stimulus, perceived value and purchase intention as mediators and homogeneity as moderator by software NVivo based on grounded theory. In quantitative research, questionnaire is designed and collected online. 495 respondents are analyzed to test direct effects through structural equation modeling, mediating effects with bootstrapping estimation, and moderating effect with multi-group analysis by software Amos.

The conclusions are influencer attraction and live marketing context positively affect purchase behavior through perceived value and purchase intention, homogeneity positively moderates effect of purchase intention on behavior. This study enriches related research of influencer marketing and help businesses maximize their interests and promote long-term development of live e-commerce industry.


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How to Cite

Zhou, X., & Lertatthakornkit, T. (2024). Influence Mechanism of Influencer Marketing through Perceived Value and Purchase Intention on Consumers’ Cosmetics Purchase Behavior. วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 18(1), 285–301. สืบค้น จาก