The Study of Achievement and Satisfaction on Basic Accounting using 5E Instruction Model for the First Year Students Majoring in Big Data and Accounting in GUANGXI Vocational Institute of Technology


  • Duhong Yi A Master Degree Student in Innovative Curriculum and Learning management, Faculty of Education, Pathumthani University.
  • Ausadanit Kotchai Asst.Prof. in Innovative Curriculum and Learning management, Faculty of Education, Pathumthani University


Achievement, satisfaction, 5E instructional model


          The purposes of this research were to 1) compare the learning achievement on Basic Accounting between before and after learning using 5E instructional model and between after learning and 75% of the criterion 2) study the students’ satisfaction on Basic Accounting using 5E instructional model. The sample were 30 first year students majoring in Big Data and Accounting in Guangxi Vocational Institute of Technology who were conducted by simple random sampling. The instruments used   were 1) learning management plans 2) achievement test which was consisted of   multiple choices, true or false and short answer questions had a difficulty value (0.40–0.68), discriminant value (0.35–0.52) and Lovett reliability value (0.84) and 3) the 5 rating scales satisfaction test, which had the Item Objective Congruence value (0.60 ≤ IOC≤ 1.00).  The research design was one group pre test post test design. The statistics used for data analysis are mean, percentage, standard deviation, and T-test.

The results were as follows:

  1. The learning achievement after learning Basic Accounting using 5E instructional model was higher than before and higher than 75% of the criterion with statistically significant at .05 level, based on assumptions.
  2. The students were satisfied on learning Basic Accounting using 5E instructional model at the highest level (= 4.79, S.D.=0.37)


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How to Cite

Yi, D., & Kotchai, A. (2024). The Study of Achievement and Satisfaction on Basic Accounting using 5E Instruction Model for the First Year Students Majoring in Big Data and Accounting in GUANGXI Vocational Institute of Technology . วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 18(2), 99–108. สืบค้น จาก