Transcultural Dialogue: The Role of Global Exhibitions in the Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Painting


  • Yiwen Zhang Ph.D, Art Performance Communication School of Liberal Art, Metharath University
  • Manoon Tho-ard Assoc. Prof, Dr, School of Liberal Arts, Metharath University


Transcultural Dialogue, Art exhibition, Traditional Chinese Painting, Art communication


This paper investigates the role of global exhibitions in the internationalization of traditional Chinese painting, viewing the phenomenon as a form of transcultural dialogue. The research focuses on the intersection of art history, cultural studies, and museum studies, arguing that global exhibitions serve as critical platforms for the spread and appreciation of traditional Chinese painting. Drawing upon case studies of key exhibitions and biennales from the past few decades, this study examines how these events have shaped the global perception and understanding of this art form. These case studies highlight how traditional Chinese painting has been presented and interpreted, and how Western audiences have engaged with it. The paper further explores the challenges and opportunities involved in showcasing traditional Chinese painting on the global stage, including issues of cultural translation and representation. The findings suggest that while global exhibitions have significantly contributed to the international exposure of traditional Chinese painting, there is room for strategies that deepen intercultural understanding and enhance audience engagement. The study underscores the potential of global exhibitions to act as bridges between cultures, fostering an international dialogue that respects and appreciates the diversity and richness of global artistic traditions.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Y., & Tho-ard, M. (2024). Transcultural Dialogue: The Role of Global Exhibitions in the Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Painting. วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 18(2), 169–178. สืบค้น จาก