Exploration of Salvador Dali's Surrealist paintings in the context of art semiotics


  • Zhuojin Wu Semiotics and Cultural Studies, School of Liberal Arts, Shinawatra University
  • Thawascha Dechsubha Dr. Semiotics and Cultural Studies, School of Liberal Arts, Shinawatra University


Symbols, Semiotics, Logo Design, Visual Symbols, Graphic Language, Surrealism


     The purposes of this research were works of Salvador Dali, an expressive artist in the Surrealist school of painting, are used as a basis and combined with an exploration of the application and development of expressive characteristics in creation. This paper presents art semiotics and the expressive characteristics of Salvador Dali's surrealist paintings.

The results from the research were summarized as follows

  1. introducing semiotics and artistic semiotics and the characteristics and artistic values of the Surrealist school of painting, and exploring the expressive depth of semiotics.
  2. The development and changes of semiotics and art semiotics and the surrealist school of painting are sorted out, and the development trend of semiotics and art semiotics and the surrealist school of painting is understood.
  3. analyze the forms of semiotics and explore the need to make the treatment of subject matter more contemporary, and the need for expressionism to have a core spirit that emphasizes subjective intent and gives painting more spiritual ideas


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How to Cite

Wu, Z., & Dechsubha, T. (2024). Exploration of Salvador Dali’s Surrealist paintings in the context of art semiotics. วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 18(2), 191–206. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hsjournalnmc/article/view/271622