The Future of Rurality : Sustainable Rural Development: Attaching Young People to the Local Culture of China's Rural Communities


  • Feijie Hu Ph.D, School of Liberal Arts, Metharath University,Bangkok Thailand
  • Palphol rodloytuk Asst.Prof. Dr, School of Liberal Arts, Metharath University


Rural Youth Exodus, Rural Local Culture, Sustainable Development, Local Mu-sic


The purposes of this research were, to determine the influence of local culture (take local music culture as an example) on young people. The sample was a series of online surveys conducted among young people aged 13-24 in the Wugang region of southern China to assess their knowledge of the local culture of rural life (take local music culture as an example). The research process involves organizing data, conducting literature reviews, administering questionnaire surveys, conducting interviews, performing technical analysis, engaging in comparative analysis, employing logical reasoning, and summarizing findings inductively. Spss 17.0 was used for data analysis in this study. Descriptive statistics and content analysis.

The results show that: When young people learn about local culture and stimulate their deep hometown culture, they will feel satisfied and safe in the community and gain a strong sense of folk culture identity. When more than 60 percent of young people use the local dialect, they are more likely to increase the sense of goodwill and honor towards their hometown and promote the local culture. These results highlight the need to make young people attached to the local culture of China's rural communities, combining tradition and The Times to create a local culture more in line with The Times.


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How to Cite

Hu, F., & rodloytuk, P. (2023). The Future of Rurality : Sustainable Rural Development: Attaching Young People to the Local Culture of China’s Rural Communities. วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 17(3), 404–418. สืบค้น จาก