Rural Landscape Evaluation Research Under Environmental Aesthetics Vision


  • Sha Tao Ph.D, Arts Performance Commubication study, School of Liberal Arts of study, Shinawatra University
  • Palphol Rodloytuk Asst.Prof.Dr.Palphol Rodloytuk,APC Program Chair, School of Liberal Arts, Shinawatra University


Rural Landscape, Environmental Aesthetics, Landscape Evaluation


          The purposes of this research were to (1) study the rural landscape lies in combing the concept of environmental aesthetics and the evaluation methods (2) to analyzes the theoretical development of rural landscape evaluation comprehensively, so as to build a plan for the construction of a native and rural landscape evaluation system in China, and then conduct reasonable protection and planning of rural landscapes reasonably and design, promote the construction of beautiful villages with contemporary happiness, livability, and sustainable development of Chinese contemporary Chinese. This study uses an expert evaluation method, psychological physics method, and hierarchical analysis method to promote the construction and development of rural landscapes, and support it with certain evaluation technologies. They were selected by questionnaires from Villagers, experts, students. The instrument for collecting data was through table analysis and computer analysis. The analysis data by descriptive statistics and content analysis.

          The research results were found as follows;

  1. The formation of rural landscape space originated from the interaction between human production activities, life activities and natural environment. It is an important part of the perception of rural landscapes. Humans can have a sense of perception and experience in the form of rural landscape space.
  2. The evaluation results show that the rural landscape with farming is distributed in F10, E9, G9, J6, K6 and other plots. These areas include farmland, fruit forests and other elements


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How to Cite

Tao, S., & Rodloytuk, P. (2023). Rural Landscape Evaluation Research Under Environmental Aesthetics Vision. วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 17(3), 389–403. สืบค้น จาก