Study of Learning Achievement and Students’ Satisfaction on the Design Software Operation Using STAD Cooperative Learning Technique for Year 1 Students Majoring in Media Art Design of Chongzuo College


  • Nan Xi Lu -
  • Tidarat Samanpan


cooperative learning STAD technique, learning achievement, students’ satisfaction, design software operation skills theory knowledge learning


          The research purposes were: (1) to compare the mean scores of before and after learning by using the cooperative learning with STAD technique, and to compare mean scores of after learning with the 75 percent; and (2) to study the students' satisfaction on using the cooperative learning with STAD technique. This research was the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The sample group was the 30 of Year 1 students majoring on Media Art Design of Chongzuo College, selected by the simple random sampling. The research instruments were (1) the plans of cooperative learning with STAD technique on the application of knowledge in the design of operating software; (2) the learning achievement test with 30 questions, difficulty value 0.33--0.60, discriminant value 0.33-0.67 and Lovett reliability value 0.77; and (3) the 5-level estimate rating scale satisfaction questionnaire with 15 items, IOC value 0.60-1.00, and reliability value 0.72. The data analysis statistics were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

          The research findings were: (1) the average of test scores after learning were higher than before learning at statistical significance level 0.01; and higher than the 75 percent criteria at statistical significance level 0.01; (2) the students’ satisfaction on the cooperative learning activities with STAD technique found the overall was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Lu, N. X., & Samanpan, T. (2022). Study of Learning Achievement and Students’ Satisfaction on the Design Software Operation Using STAD Cooperative Learning Technique for Year 1 Students Majoring in Media Art Design of Chongzuo College. วารสารวิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์, 16(3), 193–207. สืบค้น จาก