
  • Uraiwan Tiengsomboon Faculty of Nursing Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


The Effect of self-help group for caregivers, Primary caregivers of school-aged children with learning disabilities, Aggressive behavior management in school-aged children with learning disabilities


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research is to study the effect of a self - help group program for caregivers on aggressive behavioral management in school-aged children with learning disabilities at Ubonwittayakhom School, Ubonratchathani Province. A specific sample was selected which was the primary caregiver of school-aged children with learning disabilities that are 25 students who were studying in primary 1 to 6 at Ubonwittayakom School at Ubonratchathani Province. self-help group program tools were used in this experiment and The tools used for data collection were personal data questionnaires and questionnaires for managing aggressive behavior in school-aged children with learning disabilities. The research was carrying out self-help group program activities between September-December 2019, 5 times 1-2 times a month, each time taking 2 weeks apart for a total of 4 consecutive months. The statistics used for data analysis were descriptive statistics and paired t-test. The results showed that the primary caregivers of school-aged children with learning disabilities and a self-help group has the higher mean score of ability to manage aggressive behavior of school-aged children with learning disabilities than before joining the program (p<.001). In addition, it was found that the primary caregivers of school-aged children with learning disabilities had their knowledge increased and aggressive behavior management in school-age children with learning disabilities.


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How to Cite

Tiengsomboon, U. . (2021). THE EFFECT OF SELF-HELP GROUP PROGRAM FOR CAREGIVERS ON AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES. Journal Of Ratchasuda Institute for Research and Development of Persons With Disabilities, 17(1), 102–119. retrieved from