About the Journal

Journal of Ratchasuda Institute for Research and Development of Persons with Disabilities

(Former Journal of Ratchasuda College for Research and Development of Persons with Disabilities)

Online ISSN: 3027-6705 (Online)

Aims and Scopes:

Journal of Ratchasuda Institute for Research and Development of Persons with Disabilities aims to disseminate the academic and research articles in the humanities, social sciences, and other fields related to people with disabilities and disabilities as well as to be the platform for exchanging the ideas among researchers, scholars and people with disabilities in order to provide impactful research and promote the intellectual growth of disability studies.

-All articles that are published under our journal are double-blind peer reviewed by at least three peer-reviewers.

- The text, content, Figures/Illustrations, and tables published in the article are the authors’ full responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board and Ratchasuda Institute Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University.

- Referencing should be done properly and precisely in accordance with common practice among academics and relevant laws.

- Editorial Board reserves the right to be on an editorial process and accept the article for publication

The Scope of the articles:

Journal’s scopes contain the topics related to promotion, rehabilitation, treatment, education, vocational training, and research of people with disabilities and others as follows;

1. 9 Types of disability (Ministry of Education Announcement B.E.2552, 2009.)

1.1 Visual Impairment

- The Blind

- Low vision

1.2 Hearing Impairment

- Deaf

- Hard of hearing

1.3 Mental Impairment

1.4 Physical or Health-related Impairment

- Neurological Impairment

- Musculoskeletal Disorders

- Congenital Disease

- Other diseases

1.5 Learning Disabilities

1.6 Speech and Language Disorders

1.7 Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

1.8 Autism

1.9 Multiple Disabilities

2. Others such as

2.1 Elderly

2.2 Disadvantaged/ Abandoned

2.3 Abused

2.4 Premature Infant

Peer Review Process:

All articles that are published under our journal are double-blind peer reviewed by at least three peer-reviewers (two external peer-reviewers). 

The Journal welcomes manuscripts, written in both Thai and English, in the following categories:  

  • Research articles
  • Academic articles

Publication Frequency:

 2 Issues per year

Issue 1 January - June

Issue 2 July – December

Copyright: Ratchasuda Institute, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University