Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

The Journal has specified the publication ethics as follows;

Duties of Authors

1. The authors must ensure that the article has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.

2. The authors must report research conclusion accurately in the article.

3. The authors must appropriately cite all sources used in the article for both in texted citation and reference.

4. The authors must disclose all information related to research including research funding (If applicable), The co-authors who participating sufficiently in the article, and any conflict of interests.

5. The authors should follow “The Author’s Guidelines” strictly.

6. The research articles must receive human ethical approval from author’s affiliation human ethic institutional review board. Please attached certificate of approval ethical review committee for human research in order to consideration.

Duties of Editors

1. The editor must not disclose the information about the authors or peer-reviewers to unauthorized person especially in review process.

2. The editor must make decision on publication after acceptance from peer – reviewers by means of evaluate the article related to the aims and scopes of Journal, quality of the content as well as relevance of topic with others article in the volume.

3. The editor must not have any conflict of interest with any authors or peer-reviewers.

4. The editor is responsible for evaluate the quality of the article especially on redundancy and plagiarism. If the redundancy and plagiarism on the article seem to be founded. The author is requested to give clarification to the Journal.

Duties of Reviewers

1. The reviewers must not disclose the information about the article to unauthorized person especially in review process.

2. The reviewers must inform the editor if there are conflict of interests so that the editor can decide whether the reviewers is appropriate to review the article or not.

3. The reviewers should give constructive comments from the area of expertise and should not accept to review the article to unrelated expertise in the field.

4. The reviewers must inform the editor immediately if the article is plagiarism.