ffectiveness of Telephone Reminder on Attendance of Clinical Breast Examination In Primary Care Setting: Randomized Controlled Trial
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of telephone reminders on attendance proportion of clinical breast examination.
Design: Randomized controlled trial
Materials and Methods: The participants were 84 women 40-69 who visited the Community Health Center Family Practice Clinic Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. The research study’s tools were infographics via telephone reminder for the intervention group to remind them of a clinical breast examination. These were compared to the control group who only received the usual advice. Every two weeks, the intervention group received one of six infographics. Data were evaluated using descriptive and inferential statistics for two independent populations by using the Chi-square.
Result: Participants' baseline data: age, marital status, educational level, occupation, monthly income, and health insurance were not statistically significantly different (p-value < 0.05). A clinical breast examination was performed in the control groups 4/43 (9.30%) and the intervention group 13/41 (31.71%). The p-value was 0.035 (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Telephone reminders were statistically significantly effective in the attendance proportion of clinical breast examination in primary care setting compared to the usual advice.
Keywords: Telephone reminder, Breast cancer screening, Clinical breast examination, Infographics
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