The Development of Prototype Packaging for Ban Chiang Krom Rice Community Enterprise Products in The Form of Souvenirs with a Local Identity
Prototype Packaging, Ban Chiang Krom Rice Community Enterprise, Local IdentityAbstract
This article aims to 1) study and research the product identity of Ban Chiang Krom Rice Processing Community Enterprise in order to develop a packaging prototype of Ban Chiang Krom Rice Community Enterprise in the form of a souvenir with a local identity. 2) Develop packaging prototypes for Ban Chiang Krom rice processing community enterprise products in the form of souvenirs with a local identity and 3) generate a guideline model to increase the level of purchase intent from a marketing model suitable for Ban Chiang Krom Rice Processing Community Enterprise products that have been developed for packaging in the form of souvenirs with local identity. The study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Information was gathered from local villagers who consumed steamed rice produced by the cooking process. To find ways to create a unique packaging identity. Indepth interviews with 7 main informants were conducted, 385 questionnaires were distributed,and hypotheses were tested in relation to context-specific marketing modeling approaches. The findings revealed that 1) red lotus buds in the upper corner. In the community, the red lotus flower represents the local symbol of the area. 2) It was created as a packaging model,resulting in Ban Chiang Krom rice processing products with distinct packaging and a distinct
identity and 3) a study prototype was used to create a marketing model after testing the hypothesis, it was discovered that the generated marketing equation model was consistent with the empirical data and could be used as a guideline model to increase the level of purchase intent from the marketing model suitable for enterprise products. Ban Chiang Krom Rice Processing Community has developed packaging for the Ban Chiang Krom Rice Community Enterprise in the form of souvenirs with local identity.
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