Risks of the Export Process of a Company Exporting Wood-Substitute Composites in Thailand during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Export process, Failure mode and effect analysis, Logistics, RiskAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study core working activities for exporting wood-substitute composites during COVID-19 in a company, to analyze possible risks and to propose guidelines for prevention. This research was qualitative and applied research, specifically to study for the company. The data collection was done through in-depth interview and focus group brainstorming, with 10 interviewees possessing characteristics as predeterminants and being specifically selected from 37 candidates working in the company concerning exporting. Questions were open-ended, consistent with the research framework and were reviewed by three experts. The IOC values were between 0.67 and 1.00. Data analysis was the inductive method and was reviewed by the triangulation approach. The results showed that the company had nine core working activities in the export process and a total 29 failures were found. All failures were analyzed by the Risk Priority Number, ranging from 2 to 125. The most common was that no space was available for exporting, resulting from lockdown and the entry-exit prohibition of destinations. From the selection of the top 10 RPNs to propose solutions against the risks and small-scale implementation for two months, it was found that the associated RPNs could decrease by over 50%.
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