Factors of Resources and Service Quality Influencing Competitive Advantage of Public Cold Storage Warehouse Organization
Public cold storage warehouse, Resources, Service quality, Competitive advantageAbstract
The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the factors of resource availability and service quality that influencing the competitive advantage of public cold storage warehouses; and 2) analyze the relationship between resource availability and service quality and the competitive advantage of public cold storage warehouses. This study was mixed method research. The population employed for the study was 118 public cold storage warehouses organizations from the database of public warehouse, cold storage and silos businesses registered by the Department of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce (data on March 9, 2021). There are 89 organizations that responded, and five senior management organizations provided in-depth interviews, and used queries as data collection tools analyzed by descriptive statistics and to test hypotheses by analyzing multiple regressions. The results of the research revealed that factors related to resources and service quality had a significant effect on the competitive advantage of the public cold storage warehouse business in terms of cost. When applying multi-regression analysis, it was found that factors on resources regarding management had t = -6.117 and sig. = .000, and factors on quality service regarding the response to service had an influence on cost advantage, having t = 5.132 and .000 when considering the advantage on differences. At t = 12.809 and Sig. =.000, it was discovered that monetary variables influenced differential advantage. In terms of service quality, the reliability factor was found to influence the differential advantage at t = 2.566 and Sig. =.012. Competitive advantage discovered that financial resources influenced competitive advantage t = 2.365 and Sig. =.020, whereas service quality discovered that reliability influenced competitive advantage t = -6.632 and Sig. =.000.
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