Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers in Muang District Nakhon Pathom Province
Marketing Mix, Shopping Behavior, Online MediaAbstract
The objective of this research is 1) to study the demographic factors affecting the shopping behavior via online media in Muang District Nakhon Pathom Province and 2) to study the opinion level on marketing mix factors affect the shopping behavior via online media of consumers in Muang District Nakhon Pathom Province, consisted of 374.840 people, 400 samples. The data was collected by questionnaires with content validity and reliability. The data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics; frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics include Chi-square and Multinomial logistic regression analysis. The research results found that 1) most respondents were female, aged 21 - 25 years, have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, occupation student, work experience less than 1 year and average monthly income less than 15,000 baht. Most of the online media used to buy was Facebook. There was a shopping behavior 1-2 times per month. The level of the purchase price each time was less than 1,000 baht 2) the opinion level on marketing mix factors that most affected behavior in online media shopping of consumers in Muang District Nakhon Pathom Province was distribution channels (4.21), followed by products (4.00), promotions (4.00), and price (3.95) respectively. These research results can be used as a guideline for the improvement plan of online media distributors to meet customer needs and achieve business goals.
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