Development of Causal Model of Online Marketing Mix, Service Quality Influencing Purchase Decision of Consumer for e-Marketplace
e-Marketplace, Service Quality, Online Marketing Mix, Causal Relationship ModelAbstract
The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the opinion level of latent variables including the online marketing mix, quality service, and consumer’s purchase decision; 2) to check the consistency of model and empirical data for developing causal relationship of the online marketing mix, quality service influencing consumer’s purchase decision for e-marketplace in Bangkok. The sample group used in the research was a group of buyers or users of the e-marketplace in Bangkok, 400 cases. The samples were obtained by using probability sampling. Multiple-choice questionnaires with a 5-rating scale were used in this research. Obtained data were analyzed by using frequency, mean, and Standard Deviation. Path analysis was used for checking the consistency of the model and empirical data. The results revealed that the online marketing mix was in the high level ( = 4.15, S.D. = 0.58), quality service was at the highest level ( = 4.29, S.D. = 0.51), and consumer’s purchase decision was in the highest level ( = 4.43, S.D. = 0.52). For inspection of consistency of model and empirical data, the obtained value was (χ2/df= 1.180, p-Value = 0.136, GFI = 0.972, AGFI = 0.950, CFI = 0.997, NFI = 0.983, RMR = 0.008, RMSEA = 0.021, TLI = 0.996) that met with Consistency Check Criteria at good level. Hence, the factors, combined service quality, and online marketing mix should be applied for improving online marketing capability.
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