The Approach to Develop Value Chain Management of Ready Coconut Milk Business
Develop, Value Chain Management, Ready Coconut MilkAbstract
The objectives of this research were to 1) study the opinion characteristics of value chain management of ready coconut milk, 2) compare opinions on the management of ready coconut milk value chain, and 3) study guidelines for the development of value chain management of ready coconut milk. Using a mixed research model between quantitative research and qualitative research, population was the employees working in the ready coconut milk factory, Phutthamonthon District Nakhon Pathom Province, 598 people, a sample of 234 people and 9 key informants in the in-depth interview. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview forms. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency, standard deviation, mean, hypothesis testing using t-test and One-Way ANOVA. The results of the research were 1) the entrepreneurs should pay more attention to the value chain to lead and linkage of the value creation process to the ready coconut milk business by linking the core and supporting activities of value chain management overall at a high level (X'=3.85, S.D. = 0.54) 2) the highest level of employee education and different affiliated agencies have different opinions in managing the ready coconut milk business according to the core activities of the value chain. In addition, the highest level of education, different job titles, and employment years had different opinions in managing the ready coconut milk business according to the support activities of the value chain. The employees with different departments and positions, there are different opinions on inventory management efficiency 3) for the ready coconut milk value chain development, in all activities must be checked, quality control in all activities from raw material sources, production, delivery, and inventory management, marketing and merchandising, providing and after-sales service, purchasing, adopting technology for enterprise development, human resource management under the organization infrastructure.
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