The Antecedents and Consequences Factors of Lean Management of Freight Forwarder in Thailand
This research aimed to study (1) studied the impact of entrepreneurial personality, task-technology fit, market orientation and lean management on logistics efficiency. Using quantitative research and instruments were questionnaire that collected data 240 samples from a population of 3,984 companies who are entrepreneurs of freight forwarder in Thailand. Data were analyzed by using statistical analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the relationship of all variables this research conducted. The result indicated that the confirmatory factor analysis followed the criteria. The result of casual relationship indicated that all factors such as Entrepreneur Competency, Task-Technology Fit, and Market Orientation impacted on Lean Management and logistics Efficiency. Also, Lean Management impacted Logistics Efficiency. Therefore, the organization should improve operational processes and services. By measuring the wastes incurred in each service process and making step-by-step improvements for the best results.
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