Logistics Cost and Food Safety Hazards of Fresh Chili Supply Chain
Logistics Costs, Fresh Chili, Food Safety, Fresh Chili Supply ChainAbstract
The objective of this research aimed to 1) analyze logistics cost of fresh chili and 2) study food safety hazards in fresh chili supply chain. The survey research was applied as a research methodology. The population used in this study was fresh chili farmers, merchants and curry products processing factory in the South of Thailand that were Songkhla, Phatthalung, and Nakhon Si Thammarat. Sample size was 60 samples. The research tools were in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The data collection method was field research. The collected data was analyzed in frequency and percentage. Logistics costs were analyzed based on activity-based costing, and physical hazards were analyzed in food safety analysis. From the survey and data analysis, it was found that the cost of cultivating and harvesting fresh chili in Phatthalung was the most at 27.20 Baht per kg., followed by Songkhla at 17.51 Baht per kg., and Nakhon Si Thammarat at 16.81 Baht per kg., respectively. For local collectors, it was found that all three Provinces had similar collection cost of 0.51 Baht per kg. For wholesalers at main markets in Nakhon Si Thammarat and Songkhla, the collecting cost was 2.69 Baht per kg and 8.19 Baht per kg, respectively. In the analysis of food hazards, the use of plastic buckets or plastic bags could cause mold, and delayed transportation could result in the increasing deterioration and potential air contamination. Therefore, the farmers collaboration should promote by applying integration planning of cultivation and harvesting in order to reduce labor cost. Moreover, integrated transportation was also required to prevent product deterioration and to reduce logistics cost. In food safety aspects, the containers and packages used during packing and transporting should be replaced.
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