Development Guidelines for Digital Information Storage and Management of the Supply Chain of Tourism Enterprises with Community Participation in Phatthalung
The objectives of this research are 1) study the readiness of digital information storage 2) organize community groups in storing digital information and 3) propose development guidelines for the digital information storage and management in the supply chain of tourism
enterprises with community participation in Phatthalung. The study used mixed method research technique. The sample was the tourism enterprise group with 52 community participation in Phatthalung. The research instrument was a rating scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed
using percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed 1) the mean of tourism enterprises’ readiness of information storage was at a moderate level (Mean = 2.90). When considered the mean in detail, tourism enterprises
had the readiness of equipment and networks at a high level (Mean = 3.50), and the readiness of information media at a moderate level (Mean = 2.54), respectively. 2) Besides, from the ranking of the tourism community categories, the study found that most of the tourism communities (25 communities) in Phatthalung were classified as category D, accounting for
48.08 percent, followed by category C (18 communities), accounting for 34.62 percent, category B (8 communities), accounting for 15.38 percent, and category A (1 community), accounting for 1.92 percent, in turn. As a result, the digital media should be developed to support tourists, especially 9 communities in categories B and A because they were ready in terms of potential to attract tourists, facilities, and products and services, representing more-than-80-percent readiness. 3) For the appropriate guidelines for the development of digital storage systems, a provincial central digital database should be created in order to reduce redundancy and
the data must be regularly updated for distributing in various online media in line with the awareness forms from tourists’ media.
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