The Development of Bicycle Routes for Tourism in Ban Saladin, Nakhon Pathom province
The development of bicycle routes for tourism in Ban Saladin District, Nakhon Pathom Province has 3 purposes. Firstly, to study about the culture of bike tourism in Ban Saladin district. Secondly, to investigate about the safety bike lane in Ban Saladin district. Lastly, the suggestions from the result of this study could develop bike tourism in Ban Saladin district. The research methodology in this study, the quantitative data from the questionnaire and qualitative data from In-depth Interview, analyze by using sustainable tourism concepts, managing bicycle routes for tourism and safety bike lane as a framework for education. The participant can divide in to two groups which are the tourists who visited Ban Saladin by bicycle and the governor, staffs, local business owners, local people at Ban Saladin. The Results found that; the most of the tourists are single men with aged between 31-40 years old, live in Bangkok, graduate in bachelor degree, work with the companies in Bangkok, income between 30,001 – 40,000 baht per month, the experiences of bike tourism are between 3 – 6 years with 1 – 2 times per week (during the weekend), in the early morning with 2 – 5 people in one trip, each people spends their money around 100 – 300 baht. The reasons of bike tourism are to get some exercises and to relax on their leisure time. The most common problem that founds from this study is the parking spot for bicycle and safety bike lane. Lastly, the development for five bicycle routes could re-arrange each route from straight route (from A to B) to the loops and each routes could have some point of interest or attraction spots according to bicycle routes for tourism, Add and develop each routes for more safety and user friendly according to safety bike lane, the guideline about bicycle routes for tourism that makes Ban Saladin District stronger according to sustainable tourism concepts.
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