Expectation and Satisfaction with the Quality of the Western Bus Service
The puspose of this research is to compare1. To compare the expectations of passenger towards service quality of western bus by personal factors. 2. To compare the satisfaction of passenger towards service quality of western.
The researcher collected 400 passenger with convenient random sampling. The statistics used in the analysis consist of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The research found that: 1. The expectations of passenger towards service quality of western bus are significantly different in education and occupation. Passenger satisfaction towards service quality of western bus are significantly different in age, status, education and occupation. 2. Expectations and satisfaction of passenger towards service quality of western bus has
significantly different in all aspect with the first three different which are Image (Mean = 4.44), service (Mean = 4.23 ) and Cost (Mean = 4.28) Respectively.
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