Protection of Agricultural Land: The Evidence of Production Chain Pomelos, Chainat Province


  • Sirikan Singthongchai Human Resources Management and Management Program, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University
  • Laphatsawat Khlaisaeng Program in Accounting, Faculty of Management Science, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University
  • Naratip Pakdeejan Program in Accounting, Faculty of Management Science, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University


The objective of this research is 1) to analyze the situation and factors affecting the needs of farmers in the pomelos production chain in Chainat province 2) to study the policy, measures, guidelines of the central and local government in the conservation and rehabilitation or protect the pomelos planting area, and 3) to study the appropriate guidelines and measures for developing the pomelo production chain in Chainat province. The data were collected from 2 groups of samples which were 100 households that pomelo farming in Chainat
province, and a group of representatives of agencies / organizations and persons related to production pomelo group, Chainat province, amount 30 people with specific sampling methods the tools used to collect data are interview forms and questionnaires the data was analyzed
using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean and content analysis.
The results showed that the pomelos production of most farmers are trying to reduce production costs by producing natural chemicals to a minimum or in part, without the use of chemicals. I want the output quality and the needs of the market and set the prices manually. The farmers are demanding that the production of pomelos highest level. With an average
of 4.43 through channels to promote the production of pomelos at the highest level by the Government with an average of 4.38 with a way to promote a form of field trips or practice or demonstration at the highest level. With an average of 4. 56 The government also took measures to encourage planting pomelos Ministry of Agriculture, including the map, including a
large plot of agricultural promotion system. The guidelines and measures to provide training to enhance the knowledge of the needs of modern consumers demand a quality product safety.


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