Increasing Efficiency of Logistics and Supply Chain Mamagement in Printing Business Case Study T.K.S Technology Public Company Limited


  • Benjamas Oumyim Logistics and Supply Chain Managemen Program, College of Logistics and Supply Chain, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


This research is a Quantitative Research aimed at studying and increasing efficiency of Logistics and Supply Chain Management in printing business: A case study of T.K.S. (Public) Co.,Ltd. The tool is a questionnaire. Sampling groups are 250 people who work at T.K.S. (Public) Co.,Ltd. The statistics used to compile the data were percentage, average and standard deviation statistics by a statistical analysis computer program SPSS. The result of the research shows that the satisfaction of the employees in TKS Public Company Limited in the development and improvement of technology and information systems department The satisfaction level of management ability is at the highest level. The average is 4.73 and the satisfaction with the flow management capability is at the highest level The average value is 4.83 for the optimization in it. The satisfaction with the ability to reduce costs is at the highest level. The average is 4.87 and in the process of reducing work and loss. The satisfaction level in risk management is at the highest level. The average is 4.84


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