Supply Chain Performance Measurement: Case of A-Type One Tambon One Product Industry in Chonburi Province
The purpose of research work is twofold: 1) to find appropriate key performance indicators for OTOP business in Chonburi province and 2) to evaluate the performance of the A-TYPE OTOP Industry in Chonburi province and to compare with the national standard dimension of key performance indicators in the food industry. The methodology employed in this research work was the mixed research methods comprising, namely observation and strucktured interview. The sample of this research was 47 A-TYPE OTOP owner from 5 industires that consist of 1) food, 2) beverage, 3) fabric and apparel, 4) apparatus and decoration and 5) herb (non food) and the number of respondent was 30. Descriptive statistics was employed for data analysis. The results shown that (1) it was found that there are 18 key performance indicators (KPIs) that is suitable for the A-TYPE OTOP Industry in Chonburi province (2) the result found that the A-TYPE OTOP Industry in Chonburi has high cost dimension performance, particulry ratio of warehousing cost per sale that the average performance score was higher than 20% per sale and (3) with regards to the composite index, the A-TYPE OTOP food Industry has superiority over the national food industry. However, the former has the imbalance operations, namely, the cost dimension output of the A-TYPE OTOP food Industry was in “somewhat inferior” level.
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