07 A study of the learning achievement on cooperative of learining behaviors and satisfaction of english for political scientists of undergraduate students Mahachulalongkornrajanidyalaya university: Nakornratchasima campus


  • เพ็ญศรี จารุกำเนิดกนก อาจารย์พิเศษมหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตนครราชสีมา


Cooperative of Learning, English for Political Scientists, Nakornratchasima Campus


This research aims were 1) To study about learning behaviors of students who were
arranged by learning achievement STAD. 2) To compare the learning result of English for
political scientists before and after classes of students who were arranged by STAD technique.
3) To compare the learning result of English for political scientists of students who were
arranged by STAD technique with principle of 60% and 4) To study the satisfaction with learning
of students who were arranged by STAD technique. The samplings group in this research were
students in undergraduate at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University at Nahonratchasima
Campus in Political Course on third year in Room 1 that studying in B.E. 2558 for 45 students
while instruments in this research were (1) Teaching plan of English Class for politicians to
manage learning achievement by STAD technique pass inspection existing quality at high
optimal level (2) Learning behavior application for 25 questionnaires that had construct validity
for .82 (3) Learning achievement measured test for 20 questions able to classified between
.20-.60, difficulty during .40 -.70 and validity for .60 and (4) Satisfaction test in learning for 25
questions had validity at .81
Research result found that 1). The students were arranged learning achievement by
STAD technique had learning behavior at high level. 2) Learning achievement of English for
politician of students who were arranged by STAD technique after class higher before class had
statistically significance at .05 level. 3). Learning achievement of Business Financial of student
who were arrange by STAD technique higher 60% had statistical significance at .05. 4). Student
were arranged by STAD technique had satisfaction in learning at high level



