An Integration of the Buddhadhamma for Promoting Environmental Management of Muang Tia Subdistrict Municipality, Wiset Chai Chan District, Ang Thong Province

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Rung Wannadit
Wichukorn Nakthon
Thitiwut Munmee



The research article consisted of the following objectives: 1) to investigate the level of environmental management; 2) to explore the correlation between an integration of the Buddhadhamma for promoting environmental management; and 3) to present the guidelines for integrating the Buddhadhamma for promoting environmental management. The study used a mixed-method approach that included quantitative methods a sample group used for the quantitative method consisted of 369 people who were above 18 years old living in Muang Tia Subdistrict Municipality. The obtained data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient. And qualitative method employed in-depth interview to collect data with 10 key informants included involved in Muang Tia Subdistrict Municipality. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis. From the study, the following results are found: 1) people’ opinions toward the environmental management and the integration of the Buddhadhamma were overall at a high level, 2) an integration of the Buddhadhamma for promoting environmental management and the environment management are positively correlated in the same direction at a high level, with a statistical significance of 0.01, and 3) the guidelines for integrating the Buddhadhamma for promoting environmental management are found as follows: (1) Chanda in which people is to create knowledge and comprehension of environmental protection for environmental management plans, or projects; (2) Viriya in which there is a community forum hosted to discuss problems and solutions, as well communicating them to people in the communities; (3) Citta in which there is an awareness raising of the significance of taking action to protect the environment, beginning with oneself; and (4) Vīmasā in which there is a co-learning in order to develop guidelines for protecting the community’s environment, and sustainable implementation.

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How to Cite
Wannadit, R., Nakthon, W., & Munmee, T. (2023). An Integration of the Buddhadhamma for Promoting Environmental Management of Muang Tia Subdistrict Municipality, Wiset Chai Chan District, Ang Thong Province. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 81 – 98. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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