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This research aimed to study the quality of service in the Primary Care Unit and the Primary Care Network in Phetchaburi province, and the factors that predicted the quality of service in the Primary Care Unit and the Primary Care Network in Phetchaburi province. The research design is predictive research. The sample group comprised 130 individuals, including 57 registered nurses, 45 public health professionals, and 28 community health workers. The participants were selected using stratified random sampling. Data were collected from May to July 2023. The research instruments included organizational leadership assessment, organizational culture assessment, community involvement assessment, and quality of service assessment for the Primary Care Unit and the Primary Care Network. The reliability coefficients were .98, .96, .97, and .95, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The study results revealed that the average quality of service score for the Primary Care Unit and the Primary Care Network in Phetchaburi province was rated as good level (M = 4.10, S.D. = .47). organizational culture, and community involvement collectively predicted the quality of service for the Primary Care Unit and the Primary Care Network at a statistically significant level of 55.6% (R2 = .556, p < .05). Notably, organizational culture emerged as the most significant predictor
(p < .001). These findings underscore the importance of the Primary Care Unit and the Primary Care Network to promote a strong organizational culture and community engagement to enhance quality - of - service delivery.
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