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Pornchita Chanthapon
Waro Phengsawat
Tharathep Tameruk


This research aims to study the components of early childhood teachers' learning management competencies. The study uses a quantitative approach and comprises two main steps: 1) Synthesizing the components of learning management competencies for early childhood teachers through a review of relevant documents and research from 10 sources, and 2) Evaluating the appropriateness of these components with input from five experts, including university lecturers, school administrators, and early childhood teachers. The research instruments include a document synthesis form and a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire, both validated by two thesis advisors. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis, with statistical methods including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings indicate that the learning management competencies for early childhood teachers consist of 7 components and 39 indicators: 1) Curriculum development (6 indicators), 2) Knowledge and ability in learning design (6 indicators), 3) Use of media, innovation, and technology in learning management (5 indicators), 4) Organization of learning experiences (6 indicators), 5) Classroom management (6 indicators),
6) Student development (7 indicators), and 7) Assessment and evaluation (3 indicators). The evaluation by the experts shows that all components are highly appropriate, both overall and individually. The ranking of the components by their mean values is as follows: 1) Curriculum development, 2) Knowledge and ability in learning design, 3) Use of media, innovation, and technology in learning management, 4) Organization of learning experiences, 5) Classroom management, 6) Student development, and 7) Assessment and evaluation. All components were found to be highly appropriate.

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How to Cite
Chanthapon, P. ., Phengsawat, W. ., & Tameruk, T. . (2024). A STUDY OF COMPETANCY COMPONENTS IN THE LEARNING MANAGEMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(12), 96–105. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/283692
Research Articles


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