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The purpose of this research is to study the factors influencing the decision of consumers in Thailand to purchase vitamin C serum skincare products, using quantitative research by collecting exploratory data with a questionnaire from 400 samples of vitamin C serum skincare product consumers in Thailand. The data was analyzed using statistics, frequency, percentage, and Structural Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the factors influencing the decision of consumers in Thailand to purchase vitamin C serum skincare products. The results of the research found that consumers of vitamin C serum products are mostly children, and teenage females aged 10 - 24 years. They have the behavior of purchasing and will continue to purchase 15 ml/g vitamin C serum products. They tend to change brands but not very often. There are no restrictions on brand name or place of manufacture. They purchase products about 1 - 2 times a month. They spend about 51 - 100 baht per purchase. Also, the study found that consumers buy products from 7-Eleven, the most receive news about the products from the internet. After an analysis of factors that influence the decision to purchase vitamin C serum products, it was found that consumer attitudes significantly impact purchasing decisions of vitamin C serum skincare products with a significant level of 0.01. It was also found that the marketing mix factors, especially promotion and product significantly influence attitudes toward Vitamin C serum skincare products at a significance level of 0.01 and 0.10, while factors related to price and distribution do not have significant impacts on attitudes toward vitamin C serum skincare products.
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