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The objectives of this research article were to evaluate the model of the innovation activities program to practice the critical thinking skills for the higher education students in Thailand and to try out the innovation activities program to practice the critical thinking skills for the higher education students in Thailand. The research methodology is mixed methods research by quantitative research in the form of quasi-experimental research and qualitative research. The sample group consists of the higher education students in the university in Thailand 17 students. The research instruments are the activities program model evaluation form total 5 forms and in-depth interviews form. The research findings were the evaluation model of the Innovation Activities Program to Practice the Critical Thinking Skills for the Graduate Students in Thailand using the principles of a standard evaluation system, meta-evaluation criteria have been proposed. That is divided into 4 standards; 1) Accuracy, overall, the average score for accuracy and comprehensiveness was 4.96. The evaluation criteria were at the level the most accurate. 2) In terms of propriety, overall, there was an average propriety score of 5.00. The evaluation criteria were at the level the most appropriate 3) Feasibility of use, overall, the average score for feasibility of use was 4.84. The evaluation criteria were at the level the most likely 4) Utility, overall, the average usefulness score was 4.92. The evaluation criteria were at the level the most useful. And tried out the program with 17 higher education students in Thailand to confirm the suitability and feasibility of adopting an innovation model of using the activity program to train students' critical thinking skills. The study has a total of 6 activities. It was found that students have cognitive skills according to the objectives of the activities.
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