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The objective of this study: 1) To examine the service quality of the Donsai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, 2) To evaluate the satisfaction with the service of the Donsai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, 3) To compare service satisfaction of the Donsai Subdistrict Administrative Organization categorized by personal information, and 4) To investigate how service quality influences service satisfaction at the Donsai Subdistrict Administrative Organization. This is quantitative research. Purposive sampling was conducted with 360 users of the Donsai Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Questionnaires were utilized to collect data. The statistical methods used for data analysis include percentage, mean, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that: 1) The service quality is of high importance, 2) Satisfaction with the service is at the highest level, 3) Variations in education, careers, and service division affect the satisfaction levels of those using the service differently, and 4) Assurance, reliability, tangibles, responsive, and empathy significantly affect service satisfaction at a statistical significance level of 0.5. Suggestions from the study: The service provider should prioritize preparing sufficient and up-to-date office equipment. They should perform their duties with attention to detail and care. They should be willing to serve customers, act fairly, and be attentive and respectful to them.
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