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Punnapaporn Sukbang
Bhanond Kumsubha
Saranthorn Sasithanakornkaew


This research, aimed at analyzing the environmental brand identity of Rubber Killer products and studying brand storytelling methods for environmental sustainability, is a qualitative study. Content analysis was conducted using documentary research materials, including interviews, public relations materials, and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, the Official Website, and YouTube. Additionally, data were collected through participatory observation at the store premises, in the role of customers. In the year 2023, the study findings revealed that: The brand identity of Rubber Killer products, with names reflecting the primary materials used in environmentally friendly product manufacturing, emphasizes environmental vision and mission. Slogans and symbols are aligned with the personalities of the brand founders, thus supporting the study's findings. Brand storytelling for environmental sustainability of Rubber Killer employs methods that narrate the brand's story through the founders' personalities and ideas, emphasizing environmental concerns using recyclable materials and attention to various production details and material quality. The founders' personalities are consistent with the brand identity and storytelling methods, projecting onto Rubber Killer as an environmentally conscious brand. Therefore, Rubber Killer is committed to being a brand that prioritizes environmental concerns, develops high-quality products with clear identities in all aspects, and supports sustainable environmental conservation in the future.

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How to Cite
Sukbang, P., Kumsubha, B., & Sasithanakornkaew, S. (2024). A STORYTELLING OF ENVIRONMENTAL BRAND OF RUBBER KILLER BRAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(3), 247–255. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/276067
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