A Storytelling of Environmental Brand of Rubber Killer Brand

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Punnapaporn Sukbang


This research is a qualitative study aimed at analyzing the brand identity of Rubber Killer products for environmental branding and studying the brand storytelling methods for Rubber Killer environmental branding. Data were collected through participant observation at Rubber Killer stores as customers and studying documents including interviews, public relations materials, and social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Official Website, and YouTube since 2023. The study found that 1) The brand identity of Rubber Killer products, which is named after the main material used in environmentally friendly product production, emphasizes environmental vision and mission. The slogans and symbols are consistent with the personality of the brand founders, reflecting 2) Brand storytelling for environmental branding of Rubber Killer, which employs storytelling methods through the personalities and ideas of the brand founders who prioritize environmental concerns by using recyclable materials. Attention to various details in production, material selection quality, and the personality of the brand founders consistent with the brand identity and storytelling methods reflects onto Rubber Killer as an environmentally friendly brand.

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How to Cite
Sukbang, P. (2024). A Storytelling of Environmental Brand of Rubber Killer Brand. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(3), 247–255. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/276067
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