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The objectives of this research are to Perception of ease, perceived benefits, and perceived risks of augmented reality (AR) technology. Acceptance of AR technology. Purchasing behavior of cosmetics through online platforms. The influence of perceived ease, perceived benefits, and perceived risks on the acceptance of AR technology. And The influence of acceptance of AR technology on cosmetics purchasing behavior through online platforms. This is a quantitative research with a sample group of female consumers aged 18 and above, who are interested in cosmetics products and are members of a Facebook cosmetics group, totaling 400 people. Data was collected using questionnaires, and statistical analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and simple regression analysis (SRA). The research found that the sample group perceived ease at the highest level with an average score of 4.39, perceived benefits at the highest level with an average score of 4.40, perceived risks at a moderate level with an average score of 2.70, acceptance of AR technology at a high level with an average score of 3.71, and cosmetics purchasing behavior through online platforms at a frequent level with an average score of 4.01. The analysis of hypotheses revealed that perceived ease and perceived benefits significantly influence the acceptance of AR technology at a statistical significance level of 0.05. Acceptance of AR technology significantly influences cosmetics purchasing behavior through online platforms at a statistical significance level of 0.05, while perceived risks do not significantly influence the acceptance of AR technology.
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