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The research aimed to study the effectiveness of care model for stroke patients at home, (ability to do daily activities, physical and mental health). It was quasi - experimental research by one groups pre - posttest design. The sample group was 40 mid - stage stroke patients that were registered continuing care centers in the Smart COC program, came for treatment at Koh Samui Hospital or Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital network, over 18 years old and less than 75 years old, was hemiplegia for the first time, no weakness or abnormal movement due to other neurological diseases and willing to cooperate in research studies, selected by purposive sampling. Research instruments were 1) care model stroke patients at home 2) ability assessment form to carry out daily activities and health status of stroke patients which had a reliability value for ability assessment form to carry out daily activities = 0.85, physical health assessment form = 0.71 and mental health assessment form = 0.83. Data were collected before implementation in December 2023, after implementation in February 2024 and analyzed by descriptive statistics namely number, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and paired simple T - test. The results found that after receiving the care model for stroke patients at home made the stroke patients to able daily activities and improved physical health status with statistical significance (p - value < 0.001). As for mental health status remains the same (p - value > 0.05). It had been shown that the care model for stroke patients at home were effective for the ability to perform daily activities and health status. Therefore, the care model for stroke patients at home should be applied at Koh Samui Hospital and continue to expand the results to other hospitals.
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