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This research article The objectives are to study 1) exposure to online media, attitudes, and conformity to reference groups and intention to use cosmetic procedures services. 2) Influence of exposure to online media on attitudes Conformity to the reference group and intention to use cosmetic procedures. 3) Influence of attitude on intention to use cosmetic procedures. 4) Influence of conformity to the reference group on intention to use cosmetic procedures. 5) Joint influence of exposure to online media, attitude, and conformity to the reference group towards intention to use beauty procedures services This research is quantitative. An online questionnaire was used to collect data from a group of 400 Beauty Beasts, Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis, The inferential statistics used to test hypotheses include regression analysis and simple and multiple regression analysis. The results of the research found that 1) there was exposure to online media about cosmetic procedures through TikTok and a positive attitude towards cosmetic procedures. 2) Exposure to TikTok media influences attitude (β = 0.432), YouTube media influences conformity to the reference group (β = 0.576), and YouTube media influences intention to use the service (β = 0.479). 3) Attitudes regarding cosmetic procedures influence intention to use cosmetic procedures (β = 0.512). 4) Conformity to the reference group influences intentions to use cosmetic procedures (β = 0.699). 5) Exposure to online media (β = 0.094), attitude (β = 0.209) and conformity to the reference group (β = 0.547) jointly influence the intention to use beauty procedures services in the Beauty Beasts Group
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