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Phrakrusangkhakit Phisan Kanthasilo
Phrakrusamu Suphachi Suphathammo
Jirawat Malithong
Phrakrubowon Chaiwat Maytheko


This article deals with administrative conflicts. with the political behavior of politicians Therefore, we must rely on the principles of Buddhism to apply and support behavior change. To solve political and administrative problems with the objective To resolve political and administrative conflicts From the political behavior of politicians By using Buddhist principles as innovations in solving problems. Especially the principles taken from the Tripitaka, principles of administration and control of the body and mind of a ruler who has morality in governing those under his command. The important principles of governance according to Buddhism are: 1) The principle of Iddhipāda, meaning that one must be satisfied with the work one is managing, and Viriya, that is, one must be diligent and diligent. Work with effort, strength, and patience. Citta means paying attention to one's work and duties in order to achieve success. Vimansa means diligently thinking and considering the reasons for that. Use wisdom to ponder what is wrong and what is right, and 2) the Brahmavihāra principle: kindness, having true love and good wishes for the people, kindness, helping. And with full ability to help, with compassion, there is support and morale boosting. with words or praise in other ways, with equanimity and fairness in all aspects of administration Emphasis is placed on honesty and verifiability and the 4 principles of bias. This is important, which is to abstain from this bias absolutely: Chantakati, biased because of liking, Dosakati, biased because of hate, deluded, biased, biased because of delusion or ignorance, and Bhayakati, biased because of fear. They may be afraid because they have money, gold, and power. Therefore, it is a Dhamma principle that emphasizes responsibility towards the group and unity.

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How to Cite
Kanthasilo, P. P., Suphathammo, P. S., Malithong, J., & Maytheko, P. C. (2024). USING BUDDHIST INNOVATIONS TO SOLVE POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(3), 65–77. retrieved from
Academic Article


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