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The objectives of the study were 1) Marketing Communications Awareness Caladium Group through Facebook social channel. 2) To compare a Loyalty to Caladium stores through the Facebook social channel, classified according to personal information. 3) The relationship between marketing perception and loyalty to Caladium stores through the online social channel Facebook. The population in this case study is in Thailand, and the study on Caladium is quantitative research. Tools such as a questionnaire will be utilized, with a specific sample group of 400 people. Statistical analysis will involve data examination, percentage, mean and Standard Determination, as well as t-test, f - test, (One - way ANOVA), and Correlation Analysis. The study’s results found that the majority were male under 20 years old, with students having an average monthly income of 10,000 baht. Frequency of internet access is 10 more times per day,
The importance of marketing and marketing level of importance of awareness of marketing communications is primary variable Overall, the average value was at a moderate level of importance. The level of opinion on store loyalty using marketing mix theory. Overall, the average value was at a moderate level. The level of opinion Regarding store loyalty in marketing communications in the overall picture was at the level of "highly agree". Results from hypothesis testing Perception of communication using employees and promotion Influence store loyalty significantly. Educational suggestions: Posting, liking or live broadcasting, fixed schedule, time
30 - 60 minutes, video, sharp, natural images. Live broadcasting via Facebook uses polite language and the staff's tone of voice and the internet signal must be stable. Presenting new communications Create a unique identity/image for customers.
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