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This article aims to present digital citizenship skills for students in the 21st century, This academic article aims to present digital citizenship skills for students in the 21st century, From synthesizing books, textbooks, journals, research, electronic databases and internet, consisting of 1) skills in maintaining a good identity of oneself, namely using skills to maintain a good identity of oneself both in Part of the online world and the real world, learning and developing communication with others. 2) Personal data protection skills are knowing how to protect personal data in the online world. Especially sharing information online. 3) Analytical thinking skills and good judgment are having the ability to analyze information correctly. Useful information By using your judgment and correct monitoring. 4) Skills in allocating screen time is having the ability to manage time using digital media. Including control to achieve balance. 5) Skills for dealing with online threats is having the ability to protect yourself from being bullied. Preventing being deceived by malicious users on the cyber world. 6) Skills in managing information that users leave online are skills in managing information that users leave online. and cyber scams 7) Skills for maintaining one's safety in the online world are skills for maintaining one's safety in the online world. Preventing data theft or online attacks 8) Skills in using technology Ethically is the skill to use technology with compassion and build good relationships.
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