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The purposes of this study were as follows: 1) Marketing mix factors. 2) Behavior's consumption. 3) Compare behavior's consumption by classified according to personal information. and 4) Marketing mix factors that affect behavior’s consumption of Taiwanese Milk Tea Drink. The study It is a quantitative research tool using a questionnaire. Calculated by W.G. Cochran's formula and a sample of 400 Taiwanese Milk Tea Drink customers was selected and the collected data was processed using percentage and mean statistics. The statistical hypothesis testing used is Chi-square and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the study found that most were female, aged 21 - 30 years, single status, bachelor's degree, occupation, students. and the average monthly income is less than 10,000 baht. Consume Taiwanese Milk Tea Drink because convenient of consumption, choose Taiwanese Milk Tea Drink at a Taiwanese milk tea shop. According to community sources which the level of sweetness is normal, a what that influence the decision to consume Taiwanese Milk Tea Drink is Online Advertising. Consume only on some occasions when they want to consume. The day to buy the most Taiwanese Milk Tea Drink is Saturday from 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., 1 - 2 times per week. Average consumption value per time 46 baht. Consumption behavior classified according to personal information. It was found that people with
different average monthly incomes had different consumption behaviors in every aspect.
The overall of marketing mix factors was high significance level and marketing mix factors in terms of price It influences behavior’s consuming Taiwanese Milk Tea Drink at the statistical significance level of 0.05. It was recommended that the taste and production should be controlled to meet standards, packaging good for environmentally, determine the price appropriate and show the price clearly. Should increase distribution channels. Including expanding online, promote sales. There should be public relations through various media continuously.
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