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This research article aims to study on the Caesalpinia Sappan L. propagation process by seeds to get healthy seedlings. Using operational research methods Use questionnaires, observation tools, and use AIC techniques by selecting specific methods. The sample group includes Sappan seedlings grown from seed. Analyzed using frequency statistics, percentages, descriptions and overall summaries. The results of the study are divided into 2 parts. 1) Seed preparation: It was found that seeds must be harvested from the mother plant. Brown pods were picked up and collected during February-April. Sort out only the perfect seeds, light brown without insect bites, no moldy fibers and no atrophy. From a total of 15 kilograms of seeds harvested, it can be determined that a mature pod weighing 1 kilogram has approximately 100 pods containing approximately 300 seeds, with each pod containing 2 - 4 seeds. and 2) seeding, it was found that when the separated Sappan seeds were planted in prepared nursery bags and watered twice a day. It was found that the seed germination rate was 100% completely after 15 days of sowing. The advantages of cultivating Sappan by seeds are a complete taproot system of seedling, easy method with a large amount productions. The results of this study can be used as a guideline for starting the development of Sappan raw material production from seed preparation and seed propagation until complete seedlings. Using a nursery period of 6 months, the seedlings have a height of approximately 40 - 60 cm, which is ready for further planting.
It reflects that planting from perfect, quality seeds will affect the germination rate of the seedlings. The advantages of cultivating Sappan by seeds are a complete taproot system of seedling, easy method with a large amount productions. The results of this study can be used as a guideline for starting the development of Sappan raw material production from seed preparation and seed propagation until complete seedlings.
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