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This research is qualitative research. The objectives are: 1) to study the funeral tradition in Theravada Buddhist scriptures. 2) to study the principles and the funeral tradition of Trang province, and 3) to analyze the principles appearing in funeral tradition of the Trang province. The researcher studied documents and in-depth interviews 16 key informants and analyzed the data by content analysis method. The results found that: The funeral tradition in Theravada Buddhist scriptures were: to disposed of by burning, some burial, and some dumping. But does not explain the steps of those rituals, but mentions the cremation of the body leave or bury the soil only. Funeral management in the era of the Buddha is a matter of the villagers. As for the monks, they are only those who go to consider the dead body for the purpose of practicing Dharma and giving Dharma to the relatives of the deceased. The principles related to the funeral tradition consist of the Three Characteristics, the Five Aggregates, Gratitude, and remembrance of death, etc. Funeral tradition of Trang Province consists of funeral rites, posting of funeral tradition announcements, merit making, catering, cremation, collecting and packing the ashes, and mourning. The dharma principles appearing in the funeral traditions of Trang Province are taking young seeds (local plants in the south) to be placed next to the corpse, meaning that while living, one should do good deeds and maintain oneself in virtue. The comb was broken into three pieces and thrown into the coffin, which means the riddle of the trinity of the Dhamma, i.e. impermanence, suffering, being something that has no existence, etc.
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