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The research article had 3 objectives. 1) Study the opinion level of the Government Savings Bank organizational management, branch affairs division, region 14. 2) Study the level of career success perceptions of Government Savings Bank employees, branch affairs division, region 14. 3) Study organizational management affects career success perceptions of the Government Savings Bank employees, branch affairs division, region 14. This research was quantitative. The sample consisted of Government Savings Bank employees, branch affairs division, region 14, 297 people. The researcher collected data by questionnaire. Analyze data from frequency, percentage, mean, and Multiple Linear Regression. The research found:
1) The importance of Government Savings Bank organizational management at the highest level. 2) The highest level of career success perceptions of the Government Savings Bank employees. 3) Government Savings Bank Organization Management Able to create equations for forecasting career success perceptions of employees of the Government Savings Bank. Branch Affairs Division, Region 14 in terms of standard scores are as follows: Z(Y) = 0.324(X5) + 0.226(X6) + 0.194(X2), which is the organizational management of the Government Savings Bank. Branch Affairs Division 14 in 3 areas, including coordination (X5), control (X6), and organization (X2). positive impact to recognize the success in the career of employees of the Government Savings Bank Branch Operations Division, Region 14, 60.10 percent and the standard deviation of the forecast was 0.14972, which had a positive impact. To recognize the success in the career of employees of the Government Savings Bank Branch Affairs Division, Region 14, with a statistical significance of 0.05.
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