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Wirot Surasakhon
Sombat Dejbamrung
Thidaporn Pengnoo
Chayanun Napatthirachanchai


The purposes of this research were to: 1) assess the academic affairs administration at Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School, 2) evaluate the key competencies of students at Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School, 3) determine the correlation between academic affairs administration and the key competencies of students at Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School. This research is descriptive research. The population were 25 teachers and 314 parents of students in Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School. The sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan's table, resulting in a sample of 24 teachers and 173 parents. Simple random sampling was employed to select the participants. The research instrument was 5-point Likert scale questionnaire consisting of three parts: 1) general information of respondents, 2) academic administration in Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School, and 3) key competencies of students at Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School. Data analysis methods included frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The research findings revealed that: 1) the academic affairs administration at Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School was overall at a high level, with all dimensions rated highly. The dimensions were ranked by arithmetic mean value in descending order as follows: assessment evaluation and transfer of academic results, teaching management, academic planning, educational supervision, school curriculum development, development of educational quality assessment system, learning process development, guidance, technological media for education development, and research to improve educational quality; 2) the key competencies of students at Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School were, in general, at a high level, with all dimensions rated highly. The dimensions were ranked by arithmetic mean value in descending order as follows: communication ability, ability to use technology, cognitive ability, problem-solving skills, and ability to use life skills, 3) a statistically significant positive correlation was found between academic affairs administration and the key competencies of students at Amnuaywit Nakhon Pathom School at the .01 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Surasakhon, W. ., Dejbamrung, S. ., Pengnoo, T. ., & Napatthirachanchai, C. . (2023). THE ACDEMIC AFFAIRS ADMINISTRATION AND THE KEY COMPETENCIES OF STUDENT IN AMNUAYWIT NAKHON PATHOM SCHOOL . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(4), 357–372. retrieved from
Research Articles


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