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The objectives of this research article were to: 1) to study the basic elements in Pong Lang band preparation for the contest 2) To study the preparation process of Pong Lang band for the contest. using a qualitative research methodology. which is a research Want to research the truth from the actual situation and environment. At the heart of the matter is to analyze the relationship between environmental events in order to gain a thorough understanding (Insight). from an overview that comes from multiple dimensions or perspectives by selecting key informants in a specific form from the Pong Lang band makers who were sent to compete in the 1st Thailand Championship Pong Lang Tournament for the King's Cup Phra Wachiraklao Chao Yuhua, King Rama 10, B.E. 2562 by being an award winning band The 1st runner-up and the 2nd runner-up from the contest with 3 Pong Lang band makers, namely 1) Sin Isan Pong Lang Band Mahasakham University 2) Pong Lang Sin Sai Band Producer Khon Kaen University and 3) the performer of the Khon Isan Loei Rajabhat University. Research instruments include surveys, interviews and observation forms, and these tools are reviewed for quality by experts. descriptive data analysis. The results of the study showed that 1) The components of the preparation of the bands for the contest There are four main components: (1) management component, 2) music and vocal component, 3) dramatic arts component, and (4) stage and equipment component. There are four stages in preparing the Pong Lang band for the contest: 1) preparation stage, 2) creative design and rehearsal, 3) performing a VCD recording, and 4) improving the performance before the finals.
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