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The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop a model and find an effective model of project-based learning activities through online learning management that affects digital literacy skills of education students 2) to study the achievement of students studying by organizing project-based learning activities through online learning management that affects digital literacy skills of education students 3) to assess the digital literacy skills obtained from project-based learning activities through online learning management that affect the digital literacy skills of education students, and 4) to study the satisfaction of students studying by organizing project-based learning activities through online learning management that affects digital literacy skills of education students. A project-based learning activity model through online learning that affects digital literacy skills. The sample group was 2nd year students of the Faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University. There were 30 students studying in subjects Database Management System for Education for the 1st semester of the academic year 2021. Research tools were 1) learning management plan 2) pretest and posttest 3) digital literacy skills test and 4) satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used in the research were mean, standard deviation, percentage and hypothesis testing using t-test Dependent.The results of the research found that: 1) the overall model development results showed the appropriateness of the overall model at the highest level, and the efficiency results of the developed model were 81.22/82.23, higher than the specified threshold of 80/80 2)the students' academic achievement after learning management was statistically significantly higher than before at the .05 level 3) the overall digital literacy skills assessment was at the highest level, and 4) the results of the student satisfaction study were at a high level.
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