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Sirirat Kosakarika


          The objective of this research was to investigate the E - word of mouth communication factors affecting the E - corporate reputation of stated - owned banks. This research was quantitative research. The data was collected by distributing 400 sets of questionnaires the stakeholders of those state - owned banks. The statistics used for data analysis included the percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation. Moreover, the hypotheses were tested had been evaluated by multiple regression analysis at a significance level of .05. The study of this sample revealed that most the sample were female; age between 20 – 39 years old; single; bachelor’s degree; civil servants and having income more than 55,000 THB per month. The sample had the opinion toward the E word of mouth communication at the medium level while they focused on the E - corporate reputation at the high level. From the study, the hypotheses were shown that 1) the e word of mouth communication factors, including trust, message quality and source credibility, significantly affected on the brand characteristic of e - corporate reputation. 2) the e word of mouth communication factors, including degree of influence, trust and source credibility, significantly affected on the website quality of e - corporate reputation. 3) the e word of mouth communication factors, including degree of influence, trust and source credibility, significantly affected on the service quality of e - corporate reputation. 4) the e word of mouth communication factors, including tie strength, degree of influence, trust, message quality and source credibility, significantly affected on the social media of e - corporate reputation.

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How to Cite
Kosakarika, S. (2021). E - WORD OF MOUTH AFFECTING E - CORPORATE REPUTATION OF STATE - OWNED BANK. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 330–343. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/251656
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