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Khantong Wattanapradith
Phramaha Chutipak (Haemtong)
Peerasil Bunthong
Chananporn Areekul
Boonnada Supiyaphun


          The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the context and the way of living together in diverse religious and cultural community in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province and 2) to present the model of multicultural society with unconditional religion creating in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This research was qualitative research (multiple cases study) in 5 communities in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The research instrument were an in - depth interview and observation form and there were 60 key informants. The research results were: 1) The way of living together in diverse religious and cultural community in 5 communities were different in their own contexts and the way of living together. The community were varies based on the context of the area. They were multiculturalism, but they were in peace. People in the community are loving, living united, sharing together, understanding different belief and contexts, respecting each religion's beliefs, knowing how to treat each other, and building relationships in the community, and 2) The model of multicultural society with unconditional religion creating consisted of 4 elements that is called PALC as follow; 1) Paradigms of Community were as the thoughts and feelings of people in the community. This feeling was not separation, solidarity, and getting along well in religion, 2) Leader in religion and Local Wisdom Scholars were visionaries, morals, and role models for the community, 3) Activities and Lifestyles that were about volunteering activities for the community based on the principles of participation of people in the community. 4) Conflict Resolution that was the important tool in a multicultural society. In the multicultural society with unconditional religion, people in the community are in love, harmony, equalization, respecting of rights, honoring, maintaining the rules and regulations, and using “Makka” as a guideline or method to resolve conflicts

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How to Cite
Wattanapradith, K. ., Chutipak (Haemtong), P. ., Bunthong , P. ., Areekul, C. ., & Supiyaphun, B. . (2021). THE MODEL OF MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY WITH UNCONDITIONAL RELIGION CREATING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(3), 436–450. retrieved from
Research Articles


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